
Happy New Year 2023!

Happy New Year! It is another year already and travel has been getting a lot better but will never be the same with 2 kids 😉 Fortunately, we managed to check off 3 new countries (Slovenia, Luxembourg, and Belgium) and reached the 7th continent – Antarctica!!! I can’t wait to share the pics with you on this epic landscape continent! I am looking forward to 2023 for new travel adventures 😀

6 thoughts on “Happy New Year 2023!

  1. Wishing you and your family a very happy, healthy, and prosperous New Year. Wow, Antarctica… I hear that the sea passage is pretty rough.

    1. Yes, our first day was rough and the second day wasn’t bad. On the way back, the first day was moderate and on the second day we got lucky, it was so smooth what they called “Drake Lake”! I got prescribed seasick pills from my doctor and I was doing fine (I am very prone to seasick).

  2. Congratulations on reaching Antarctica! That is amazing! Have a great year ahead!

    By the way, I’m a new subscriber! More blogs to come!


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