
Grand Cayman Day 3 – Sea Trek

Day 3 – Sea Trek

As usual, I woke up before 6 am sigh got used to waking up early so couldn’t go back to sleep more. The thing that I like to do early in the morning while waiting for hubby to wake up is looking at pictures we took the day before….great way to start my morning 🙂 Hubby finally woke up and took shower while I went to the breakfast room to get breakfast. Breakfast was the same everyday but we didn’t mind. After breakfast, we went to the hotel front desk to ask if they could store our camera for us. We told the front desk lady our horrible room break-in story we had previously so we have to make sure our camera is secure and she went to talk to her manager. The front desk manager came out and she said she can store our camera in her office where it’ll be locked and no one can access except her. We felt better and left it with her and then we headed out to George Town – plan for the day: Sea Trek at 11:30 and then shopping!

We got there very early around 9:30, we found Sea Trek which located on the back of Casanova By The Sea and The Cabana, there was a small parking lot on the back. The guy said they could switch us to the 10:30 tour since we were early yay!  We asked if we could park our car there and do some shopping and then come back at 10:15, he said sure!!! We walked to the cruise terminal shopping area, there we mostly jewelry stores and not much souvenir stores 🙁 We walked back at around 10:10 and we filled out the forms. The guy asked where we staying and I told him Sunshine Suites and he gave us 10% off of $89 (saved $20 for two of us) great!!!

We waited couple of minutes for other cruise ship people to arrive. Next, we headed out to the boat where he took us to the other boat and on the way he reviewed instructions to us. He thought us three important hand signals: ok, not ok, I want to get up immediately. He also said when we stepped down to the ocean floor via the ladder, stop every 3 steps to make sure our ears pop! We got to the other bigger boat with the Sea Trek helmets, the guide told us it weighted about 70 lbs! But when underwater, it’ll feel like 15 lbs. We took turn to go down, I was the 2nd to the last hahaha! The water was cold when I first stepped in but quickly I felt warmed up! The moment the guy put the helmet on me oh my it was heavy!!!  I slowly stepped down the ladder and stopped every 3 steps to make sure my ears popped.  The whole process was very smooth and before I know it…I was down at the ocean floor!!

Walking on the ocean floor probably felt like walking on the moon like floating around LOL! The shape of the helmet made the view looking weird when looking on the sides due to the bent corner so best to look straight 🙂 There were only 6 of us total plus 1 guide and 1 diver so we had a small group which was great!!  There were school of fishes following us!! The guide poured some fish food on our hands so the school of fishes came eating hahaha!

Then, we played a passing the ball game well it’s not a ball looked more like a submarine toy hehe. Look straight or else if you look on the side, you’ll see the distance much closer than actual and you’ll miss the “ball”!  Then, we walked to another area where the guide showed us the corals.  The place was marked so we walked on sand and not have to worry about stepping on rocks or corals, also they put a rope to make sure you are not touching the corals.

Hubby trying to grab the fish but missed haha!

There were many fishes following us. Note that do not step too high or else you’ll kick the sand up and will make the water more muggy!

Don’t we looked like astronauts?

The guide did a few tricks like taking off the helmet to blow an “O”, I had it captured in video not photo so couldn’t show pictures! Then, the guide took a sea urchin and placed on our hand, the sea urchin sort of suck on your hand so you can turn up side down and it’ll stick on you 😀 He also placed a sea spider on our hands too, it was so small!!!

The 45 minute dive quickly passed and time to get up 🙁 Walking up was easy where my ears keep popping haha! We got back and tipped the guide $20 since they were very friendly and professional! I saw the 11:30 group and there were at least 10+ people, we were so lucky to get on the earlier tour with less people! We rinsed off and went to the bathroom to change. Afterwards, we asked if they have suggestion on where to park in town to do more shopping. They said just leave the car here 😀

We walked to Da Fish Shack for lunch, the view was spectacular! We didn’t have our DSLR camera with us so we use the GoPro Hero 3+ to take the photos, that’s why the pictures are wide angle.

We ordered the mango smoothie and virgin pina colada again hahahahaha! Both are good 🙂

Appetizer: we ordered the crab claws, it was fresh and delicious! Hubby thought this was better than Duke’s steampots he had last night!

There were tons of flies, they loved the crab claws as well so once we finished we put it on the side to attract them there and it worked!!  Here came our two main courses, hubby ordered the steamed snapper and I ordered the Seafood Rundown. Both were great and look at the view!!!

We highly recommended Da Fish Shack for seafood!!

The bill for the lunch….$82 USD included tips, expensive but well worth it!

After the wonderful lunch, we walked to the waterfront shops to do more shopping. There weren’t much shops that we like, hubby was disappointed but he managed to buy two items: a magnet lobster and a turtle that has pretty Grand Cayman and starfish on it. We got back to our hotel around 3:30 pm and hubby took a nap. For dinner, we headed out to Macabuca Bar & Grill for the Monday night BBQ buffet for $17 CI per person (a bargain in Grand Cayman). Driving there wasn’t bad although we took the wrong road, instead of keeping on the left to NW Point Road, we kept straight on Town Hall Road..but we got back out to NW Point Road 🙂 When we arrived Macabuca, we were early so not much people there and we grabbed a good seat facing out to see the sunset.

I always had bad luck catching the sunset; it always got covered but massive clouds on the horizon!!

We ordered the mango smoothie and virgin pina colada again haha, I think they all use the same mango juice to make the mango smoothie because they all tasted alike LOL! This was my first plate! The ribs were good, the best was the fried fish!

We liked the best were the corns haha so I went to get two more! The pasta was good too, I like the mild-spicy sauce.

After sunset, more and more people came.

Total price for dinner: $63.25 included tips not bad 🙂

We headed back to the hotel and when I shower there was no hot water! I waited and waited and ran out of patient lol so I took shower with “cold” water actually the cold water wasn’t too cold! I called the front desk and they said they just fixed it and should have hot water in 10 minutes or so!!!!

Overall it was a fun day, I never imagined walking on the ocean floor and see many fishes. One day I would like to dive…..until hubby learns how to swim haha! Good night Grand Cayman, tomorrow we’ll be heading out for Stingray City yay can’t wait!!!

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